Sunday, March 25, 2007


This challenge was so much fun! It gave me the kick in the pants I needed to try some new to me techniques, and using foil, which I had never tried before. I followed a lesson from Workshop on the Web. The base is a dark burgundy velvet to which I fused gold holographic foil. Then I added a print chiffon on part of it and distressed it with a heat gun. The leaf motif is made by drawing a simple outline on tissue paper, then free motion outline it onto a piece of felt (only I didn't have any felt, so used warm and natural). I then stitched over the outline with a very tight, wide satin stitch, and cut the whole design out very close to the stitching. Then I stitched it to the base, and free motion quilted concentric circles inside the leaf with metalic thread.

As always, I welcome any comments and advice, as well as any ideas for a title???

As usual, The expert advice from Linda was dead on! I did bobbin stitching with Razzledazzle in a much darker color. I also used a Shiva Paintstick to tint the foil in the leaf to tie it in better.
Did this accomplish it Linda?
Thanks again Linda


  1. What can I say except that I love it.
    Betty Donahue

  2. The leaf looks like a skeleton leaf (is that what they're called) where the leaf is eaten away all except the veins. It might be nice to use a darker or heavier thread for the circle quilting so it shows up better. I like the orange area and the red flower shape in the top corner.

  3. You've made a good quilt even better. The contrasting thread makes the stitching show up better. The stitching now has more importance and looks more intentional.

  4. Hi Cheri,
    Wonderful textures and good contrasts, both subtle and dramatic, in the values. Really interesting quilt...makes me want to look at it for a long time!

    Good job



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