Monday, March 26, 2007

Sew Much Fun

16" x 15"

I Love This Challenge--It's hard to find fabric that I haven't tried but I did find some tyvek and cheese cloth in my stash. I had never used either of those before. I did try some new techniques. One of the things I found in my stash was a marbeling kit that Iwanted to try but never seemed to get to it. This seemed like a good opportunity to do it. Although I didn't use any of the other material that I dyed for this project I did use the cheese cloth which came out very light and didn't take the dye well at all. Italso fell apart and frayed -- which, as it turned out, was a good thing. I painted the tyvek and made beads. The steps and techniques I used were: Painted the background and covered it with organza. Couched the pink beads and used them for the quilting.The blue piece at the top and the flower at the top right corner was my one attempt at needle felting. (I broke all the needles doing it) The other "flowers" are scrunched up cheese cloth with beads I made from drinking straws in the center. The leaves were painted fusible web sprinkled with glitter. I tied my tyvek beads on the bottom with gold thread.


  1. Hi Betty,
    So much fun is looks like you had a blast! The part I love is the marbelized fabric...great job with that, it's vibrant, colorful, and interesting. I think this was a fun experiment for you with all the different techniques. As a piece of art, I think it has too many things going on. I copied it into photoshop and cropped it just to the left of the blue felted piece and the middle flower and cropped off the dangling beads and bells....and it is quite a lovely piece! Just my opinion, I'm in the less is more category which isn't to everyone's taste.

    See you next time!

  2. Making one of the flowers larger than the other, or clustering the flowers together would give your quilt a focal point. Having the flowers so evenly spaced around the piece, leaves me a bit uneasy, not knowing where I should be focusing my attention. Your leaves are very evenly spaced also. What if you had used less leaves, and spaced them irregulary about the flowers. I love your colors. It looks like a tropical sunset.


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