Monday, March 26, 2007


Well I almost didn't do this - I'm going out of town tomorrow - so it's not technically done - needs a binding - suggestions?

I used a striped upholstery fabric - I've used a bit of it before. That was actually the hardest part of the challenge since I wasn't allowed - own self imposed rules - to use any new fabric so all stash.

I went to my comfort zone as a tree trunk. I let the curves be dictated from the fabric. Quilted with fine lines to match the upholstery fabric.

Overall I like the colors but it kind of lacks something. . any suggestions? Finished size 13x29

In Sunny Seattle

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa, you certainly got some good texture from the upholstery fabric and your fine quilting lines. I like the quirky way the stripes flow. And the choice of the complementary orange and blue is really good. I guess I would say it's lacking a focal point or area of interest. If this was my piece, I would crop the right half off and add an interesting creature(s) in a dark color (like a line of ants or a lizard or something climbing up the tree). It would make it long narrow piece, which would add to the interest. I would face it rather than add a binding.

    I admire your rule of using what you have on hand...that actually makes you more creative sometimes!

    I look forward to seeing more of your work.


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