Monday, April 30, 2007

Driftwood 4

I read the instructions - I did a bunch of sketches - keeping in mind the composition of the photograph - then I re-read the challenge - so I did took another try at it and created Driftwood 4 - Driftwoods - 1, 2, and 3 are in progress.

Final size is 7x7 - I may just have to a do a few more renditions. Kind of a fun challenge - I have three more to quilt. - Lisa in Sunny Seattle

Update - June 3
Per request I've added the other three I did as sketches.


  1. Hi Lisa,
    You certainly captured the lines of the logs and the faint lines in the water...good job! I'd love to see the others, once you get them done be sure to post them.


  2. Hi Lisa,
    I really like the simplicity of this. One thing I thought of was maybe echoing the log shapes in the quilting of the water area, maybe perpendicular to the "land" area. Just a thought. Great job. Looking forward to seeing the others.



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