Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Black and White of It

My "photo" was a postcard from Berlin. After sketching lines and shapes and shading with grays, black and white, I really liked the looks of it that way and had never made a black and white quilt before...so here it is! It measures 14"x20"

I have 3 other sketches of other subjects that I will also make into small quilts when I have the time. This was really alot of fun, and I would love critiques as usual



  1. Hi Cheri,
    nice job on the value study and variety of shapes. Glad you had fun...I did too. The shiney dome makes a good focal point. I see you used different quilting patterns on the background for the sky and water. That's needed and I think a bit of shadowing on the water would be a nice touch and break up the background more. Did you make any sketches with the shapes not in the expected relationship? That dome is a cool shape...how would it repeated or mirrored or turned on it's side or ?

    As always, your work is beautifully constructed. Thanks for rising to the challenge!

  2. Hi Cheri,
    Love the colors, and the "glitz", and I really like the diagonal quilting in the background. This has a real art deco feel to it. Great job.



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