Friday, May 04, 2007


9½ x 7, raw edge fused appliqué.

This challenge was hard for me. It was difficult to get away from trying to draw exactly what I saw instead of concentrating on just the shapes. And most of my drawings seemed very contrived. What finally worked for me was concentrating on drawing shadows and negative shapes, and rotating the drawing paper occasionally. I’m still not sure I like my final quilt. It still seems contrived, and doesn’t seem to have much meaning. The quilting in the blue tie-dye fabric seems out of character to the rest of the quilt.


  1. Your piece really turned out very nice.
    I understand the difficulty of getting away from the realism.
    It was fun, though, wasn't it?
    Betty Donahue

  2. Hi Linda, you are a good sport to stick with it when it was hard. And very creative to look at the negative space...I didn't think of that. Do you think it would be more interesting to you if there was more variety in fabric and value...especially in the background?

  3. Hi Linda,
    I find your piece very intriguing. It has a lot of depth to it. I like the background, but am not sure about the outer shapes. I like the two on the right, but I feel like the one on the left/top is too "heavy", or maybe the leaf pattern in the fabric itself is too distracting. Maybe if the top were cropped off a bit. I'm not sure what it is exactly.

    Overall, though, I really think this is an interesting piece; I love the unusual color combinations. Good job with a difficult challenge.



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