Friday, June 01, 2007

Beaded Lizard

I used a gelatin monoprint and encrusted beadwork for this challenge; plain white muslin with acrylic paint. I've been reading with interest the posts about this technique. I actually didn't follow the instructions exactly - instead of applying the paint to the gelatin and making the design in the paint, I made the design in the gelatin; applied the paint; and then imprinted the fabric. The blue came out a little bit darker than I wanted but I'm pretty pleased with the results. I also used a small stamp with yellow/gold paint to add a bit more to the design. After the paint dryed, I quilted it and then beaded it. I just zigzagged the edges and mounted it on a fabric covered canvas. I made a few more prints on some additional fabric that I really like and am looking forward to working with. This was a fun technique and I really want to try it the right way next time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pat,
    Wow, that's alot of beading! Love the effect of the background fabric and the shape of the piece adds interest, too. Good job!


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