Friday, June 01, 2007

Painted Flowers

12 3/4" x 14 7/8"

This was my first attempt at fabric painting. My husband gave me a collection of Jacquard fabric paints two years ago at Christmas. This was my first trial with them. I used several types of paint so I could see what each did.

The fabric I used is quite old—not antique but have had it for at least 15 years. It was left from doing a small quilt. It has a lavender background with flowers outlined in white with gray within the white borders. The white is almost like paint. In fact, I could hear a distinct popping sound every time the machine needle when through it. I did border my quiltlet with it but didn’t have enough for the backing. I used a gray cotton sateen.

I also used many different threads---made by several companies and also different weights and fiber content. Some I would not use again with fabrics as dense of these.

All in all---an interesting challenge.

Sally K. Field


  1. Hi Sally, wonderful summery flowers...great job! I can't see the quilting in the the background quilted or just around the flowers? It would be fun to quilt the background so the flowers pop out even more. Did you consider some beading on some of the flower centers?

  2. Cynthia--Thanks for your critique! The background is not quilted--lack of time--maybe will do. Can you enlarge on your computer?--the pics will on mine. This particular quiltlet was difficult to photo--really much stronger color in person. I did not think of beading--one new thing at a time! Also, I'm not sure that I will ever do beading--don't like handwork and have some arthritis in my hands so they don't like it either.


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