Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Discharge experiement

This quilt was created by discharging brown Kona fabric with bleach. The tree was then raw edge appliqued on the background.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie,
    I missed commenting on yours earlier for some reason. It's a wonderfully spooky scene. Great job on the discharging...that's a wonderful green you got with the brown fabric. I like the minimal quilting lines with the heavier thread, too. Gives a scarse feeling that goes with the bare tree. A couple suggestions: the tree is pretty much dead center and fairly symmetrical, which is less interesting than offset and asymmetrical. If you were inclined to play with that idea on this piece, you could crop it and/or add some branches (reaching out to the side on one of the sides)

    Good job...I look forward to seeing more of your work


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