Monday, June 04, 2007

Discharge From Black

So this is my attempt for Challenge #9. I used solid black Kona fabric. All of the shapes are freezer paper stencils. The large flower misted with bleach, while the spirals were painted with bleach. I thread-painted the flower and free-form quilted the background. Now that I see the quilt in a photo, I realize that it needs a bit more and was thinking of adding some beadwork to the upper right corner, and maybe to the spirals as well. Any suggestions?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Ann, This is a fun piece...The echo quilting and the binding really add so much to unity of the piece. I don't think it needs too much more...a subtle, random scattering of beads, maybe in the colors of the thread painted flower center? I actually like the blank spot at the upper right, it gives a place to rest and appreciate the texture of the quilting and also breaks up the symmetry of the design nicely
    Great job!


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