Friday, July 27, 2007

Challenge 11

Challenge #11 – Friday, 27 July 2007

Challenge # 11 hostess: Cynthia Morgan

Theme: In the Style of the Masters

Find one of your favorites on these lists of famous artists or schools of art and create a small piece in the style of that artist or school of art. You could copy or adapt a specific piece of art, but it may be more rewarding to do something original using the style.

Design Principle – Variety and Emphasis (Focal Point)

Sources and examples:

The Quilter’s Book of Design by Ann Johnston, Chapter 3

Variety – Adding elements that are similar, but different from each other can add interest without disrupting the unity of the whole. Ways to achieve variety: change line direction, change size, change color, change color value, change color intensity, change degree of complexity, change texture, change placement.
Focal Point – Creating one area in the design that captures the viewer’s first glance and sets the direction that the eye will follow throughout the viewing of the design. A focal point will emphasize a specific part of the design, which should contribute to the meaning of the whole design.
Variety creates Focal Points – If one of the variations of the chosen element is in high contrast to the rest of the piece, it can create a focal point for the composition

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