Sunday, July 29, 2007

Stone Spiral

What a fun challenge.

The initial four artist I thought of where - Georgia O'Keaffe, Salvador Dali, Picasso, and Andy Goldsworthy - but weird none were on the list - so I stated scanning art work on the list - none of it spoke to me so I went with my initial artist - Andy Goldsworthy. Here is a web site that has a sampling of his work -

I like him as an artist - his pallet is mother nature and takes only what is available to him to create sculptures and what not. So I took some pebbles - sorted them by value and composed this piece only with my scraps that were in my sewing room - not quite the same as his work - but fun to do anyway. The pebbles were a bit of challenge - I really wanted them sewn on to the pieces but that wasn't a technical possibility all the time so I glued them then sewed them so you think they are sewn on. The piece itself measures 8 1/2 x 7 - I am attempting to work smaller.

Thanks again for this challenge - I have quite a few more pebbles this might be a gateway for a series of work.

In Cloudy Seattle


  1. How neat!! So simple but yet so striking.

  2. I love Andy Goldsworthy... saw his art on CBS Sunday Morning years ago and immediately ordered ALL of his books on Amazon.
    Your choice of greys/black is a perfect backdrop for the spiral. I would have loved to see more stones and a deeper spiral. You could have a fabulous series here with twigs and spiderwebs and all sorts of nature findings! Well done!

  3. I don't know any Andy Goldsworthy so it is nice to see an artist I am not familiar with that I can learn about. The piece has great movement and the stones on it just add more movement as well as texture and depth.

  4. Hi Lisa, Goldsworthy is one of my favorites, too. If you all haven't seen the documentary on him called Rivers and it! it's fantastic!

    And your piece is wonderful, Lisa! It has a strong focal point at the center of the spiral where there is the greatest you accomplished both objectives of the challenge. There's a feeling of peace and inevitability to the piece. Great job! Would love to see a series on this, too.


  5. Yes, I see the Goldsworthy influence. I like the contrast with the darker stones on the lighter background. What if the stones were closer together as they spiraled inward. Nice work.

  6. Hi Lisa,

    I wasn't aware of Goldsworthy either; thanks for the link. I just reserved the DVD from the library; looking forward to seeing it.

    I love your piece; especially how you made the pebbles appear to be sewn on. Great job.


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