Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Kandinsky Revisted

I chose Wassily Kandinsky of Bauhaus fame because I really like how he used repetition of geometric shapes in his abstractions, but still had great balance and variety. My piece is based on one of his paintings called Decisive Pink. Comments welcome!



  1. First of all, thank you for a very fun challenge.
    Even though I have a hard job with abstract I love your piece.

  2. Wow, I love love love this piece! What fun it is! I love the movement. I will have to do more looking into Kandinsky. Your execution of this challenge is very successful!

  3. I have always thought Kandinsky paintings looked like scattered doodles. I can see in this one how the pink square in this piece creates a strong focal point, and the shapes all relate to each other. I will need to look at more Kandinsky also. Perhaps you have changed my opinion of his paintings by making me really look at this one.

    One difference I see between the Kandinsky and your quilt, is that he has put a dark halo around each group of objects. It makes the objects relate more to the background instead of just floating in front of it.

    Great interpretation of this painting.

  4. Cynthia,

    Great job as always!

    I love the background fabric you used; this piece reminds me of ancient petroglyphs.

    Have you quilted it yet? If not, I'd love to see the final results.


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