Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Pieces 10 & 11 by Tina Marie Rey

I am finally posting quilt #10 = better late than never. I used washers on a hand dyed and discharged background. I hands sewed them on using red metallic embroidery thread.
It is unnamed.

I then did #11. I used Monet's flowers as inspiration. I had hand marbled the background fabric in an Elin Noble class back in November of 2005. I had held on to it knowing I didn't want to just cut it up. This background is perfect, I think, because it has such a Monet feel to it. Please feel free to critique or comment!


  1. Hi Tina,
    That fabric is just PERFECT for an impressionistic look. I really like the's vibrant but subtle at the same time. And you've got some good focal points with the lightness of a couple of the butterflies. The fiber edging adds to the impressionist feel, too...good choice...much more unified to this piece than a hard edge.
    Great job!

  2. I like the layers of pattern in #10. The striped background adds interest as is a nice contrast to the circular theme of the piece. Your quilting pattern relates nicely to the shape of the washers.

    In #11 you have captured the look of a Monet while creating something uniquely your own. I like the way some of the butterflies are very bright, and some almost blend into the background.

    Both quilts are very successfull pieces.

  3. Hi Tina,

    I love the washer piece; I think they are great for embellishment. I particularly like the way the quilting behind them contrasts with the grid layout of the washers.

    Great job as well on the Monet piece. I agree with everyone that the fabric is perfect, and the butterflies add just the right amount of contrast. How did you create the butterflies?

  4. Thank you all for your comments - The butterfly's were what I call "cheats" they are just a commercial butterfly print that I labor intensely cut out and fused on.


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