Sunday, July 29, 2007

Monet's l'Esterel Mountains

Here is my challenge. I confess I did copy with a few small variations.

I used acrylic paint watered down for the highlights. The tree trunk and grass was thread painted and the leaves were snippets.

I added tulle over the top to make it look more misty.

I am also adding a picture of the original.


  1. Since you posted the original, I would like to compare the two. What if you didnt keep the leaves in such a rigid form, but let them flow a little more - wander outside of the "shape" you have created with them. The blue water competes with the piece too much. In Monet's piece you can see that it is subtle and therefore the tree and bakr really stand out as the focal point - now the water is competing against the tree. The threadwork is amazing and looks great. The trunk really helps anchor the piece. Good job!

  2. I meant to put in the description that the picture came out a lot darker than the quilted piece.

  3. I am distracted by the grey cloud bank in your picture. In Monet's painting, the clouds are almost the same color as the sea, and help soften the edge between the sea and the sky.

    What if you put some lighter yellow leaves in your tree, and added highlights to the trunk.

  4. Hi Betty,
    You certainly chose a challenging piece to tackle! And a good one to discuss focal points and how the eye moves through the piece. The first thing I see in Monet's piece is the base of the tree where the dark and the light come together, then I move up the tree trunk to the branches which create almost a horizontal line. Then I notice the light clouds above the mountains, the shapes of the mountains, then the reflections of the light on the water, then over to the rocks and back to the tree.

    The first thing I see in your piece are the rocks in the middle of the water, then over to the base of the tree, up the tree trunk to the leaves where it circles around the shape of the tree.

    Your piece looks crisp and idyllic compared to Monet's which looks diffused and more natural. (Isn't it fun to be compared to a master!)

    I really like how you've done the foreground and the base of the tree...those are some great rock shapes!

    Thanks for putting your piece out there...I always enjoy your work and learn alot.

    Good job!

  5. Hi Betty,

    I really like how the rocks draw your eye out to the two sailboats on the right. And I absolutely love the sailboats; they look great! With that in mind, on your piece, I think it would have been great if the tree trunk echoed that sightline, maybe coming in from the border and arching over the water more.

    I agree that the snippets seem a little too clumped into one shape, but they do a great job of creating the leaves.

    I really like the darker blue water, but I think the mountain shapes need to be a bit darker in value or something (I can't quite put my finger on it). Maybe because the darker blue implies a brighter, clearer day?

    Love the thread painting as well. Great job! I love Monet.


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