Sunday, July 29, 2007

Quilter's Window

My attempt at cubism. I was looking around the web and became inspired to give this a try, I especially like the works of Juan Gris and Fernand Leger. Not being a great artist, I couldn't get the hang of drawing things the way they did, so instead I used fused applique, made the picture I wanted, cut it into strips and reassembled to get the look I was after. This is based more on Juan Gris' work (notice the door and the window!) or maybe you don't!
For quilting I simply followed the lines of the shapes, then did a curvy line running around the border to break up all the angles. I am really happy with how this came out and know I am going to be making more .


  1. Fun piece! Love of movement - the way you assembled, cut and reassmebled is very successful! I would never have realized that was the technique used. Good job!

  2. I have always been intrigued by cubist painting, but haven't been able to figure out the analytics of it.

    I like your quilt. It reminds me of people who comment about quilting "You mean you take perfectly good fabric, cut it up, and then sew it back together?" You have taken a perfectly good applique quit (about quilting), cut it up, and have sewn it back together. It gives it a kind of ironic humor. And it a more interesting composition than a more straightforard piece would have been.

  3. Cathy! I love this piece! I think you are on to something with this technique and style...I can see you doing lots more in this way. It's colorful, fun and mysterious...I see a picnic with a dog and a horse...what do you see?

    I'm glad you participated, this made my day! And I really like that bright gold/yellow border and the binding that ties the background and border together.


  4. Thanks for the comments, glad you all like it!
    It's funny, one of my kids said the same thing,,is that a horse's head? It was the door, the orange spot is the handle, but when I cut and shifted it became a, my daughter sees birds, which I don't see at all! Because I know what it WAS I can't but see that. This has however, become my favorite and now hangs in a very prominent part of my kitchen! Dreaming up the next one :-)


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