Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Challenge #12

The first image is the quilt I made in response to this challenge. I stamped the dark blue fabric with copper circles and some sparkly stuff. The light blue fabric is quilted in circles, and the peach fabric is quilted with copper sliver. I'm not very happy with this particular surface design that I did.

The second image shows part of a quilt I made a few weeks ago, stamping and rubbing with Shiva Paintstiks on the lighter red batik. Then I quilted the checkerboard using copper sliver, metallic variegated thread, and sulky rayon. This piece is piped with a tiny piping I made using a cotton lame variegated fabric. Pretty, but it still shreds. I like this quilt a lot better, partly because there is not so much contrast between the two colors as in the other quilt.

Surface design is new to me, and I welcome the chance to experiment. Comments are welcome!


  1. The high contrast fabrics makes the traditional block pattern the dominant feature of the top quilt. I think I would like the dark blue more if were left in larger pieces and used in a less traditional way.

    I like how you have quilted the red quilt with the leaves flowing across the top accross the patches. It adds an interesting layer to an otherwise simple pattern.

  2. Hi Katie - I like both pieces. The surface design on the blue piece that I like the most is the quilting in the light blue triangles. Those circles add another dimension to the piece that I think is very attractive.

    Like you, I like the piece in reds better. I like the monochromatic scheme with low contrast. The surface design takes center stage on this one. Your metallic threads show up so well and the quilted leaves add a nice texture.


  3. Hi Katie, The copper stamping and glittery stuff on the dark fabric is it. I would like to see this piece better unified. Each of the diffent elements-the color scheme, the copper circular/curvy shapes, the quilted circles in the blue and the metallic quilted leafy vines in the sashing are good in themselves, but don't relate to each other to create overall unity. I can think of a couple ways to unify: repeat or continue the pattern of the copper stamping into the sashing with the metallic quilting; quilt the sashing with the metallic thread in small circles like the blue; use a complementary color scheme in the sashing (on the color wheel, blue-green like in the block is directly opposite orange, which you've captured in the copper already); use an analgous color scheme in the sashing (green or blue are next to blue-green on the color wheel); eliminate the sashing so the secondary pattern of the blocks shows up, then add more circles stamped or quilted in various sizes.

    Ok, that enough "playing what if" on your challenge piece! I like the other red piece, too.

    I look forward to seeing more of your work.


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