Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Le Talisman, After Sérusier

13½” x 11½”

I didn’t like my last attempt at a quilt in the style of Sérusier, so I had another try at it. This one is a loose copy of Sérusier’s “Le Talisman”. I like this quilt much more than I did my last one. This was fun. I learned more by trying to copy his painting than I did by doing my own things with his colors.


  1. I can't decide which I like better! I really like the tension of the horizontal bands against the more rounded shapes in the first one, but then I love the strong vertical and horizontal accents in the second one too.

    Funny how something we aren't happy with ourselves can strike others as just the right thing, isn't it? I have a piece now that I don't much care for, but it seems to be a crowd favorite of everyone else. I'm leaning towards the thought that even if we don't like it but others do, maybe it's a personal preference but it still shows good color usage, design skills and execution. At least that's what I see with yours.

  2. Very Graphic. I think the quilting lines you chose really help accentuate the movement of the piece. It has a super watercolor feel to it, which is great that you were able to do it with fabric. Very successful


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