Sunday, September 02, 2007


This small piece (12" square) started as an experiment with some watercolors. I painted them on the fabric and thought it was attractive. I was bored and needed something to quilt so proceeded to quilt the piece heavily. Then I took a beading class a few days ago and decided to use some beads to emphasize the different areas of the piece. My work is rarely abstract so this is a departure for me.
As much as I don't care for beading (kind of like watching paint dry) I'm going to add some more to this piece because it seems unfinished. Any beading advice would be appreciated. Thanks for looking.


  1. Oh, what bright pretty colors. I especially like the fire on the beach.

  2. Your quilting is very nicely done and adds a great sense of movement. I also love your beading!Ann

  3. I sure like the colors in this! and the beading is so pretty. I love beads. If you do more, please post again and let us see it.
    [hmm.kinda like my poppies..]

  4. Hi Roberta,
    Good work! I like how you used both warm and cool emphasizes that feeling of storching hot sand and cool water. The quilting lines are very effective for the movement and depth of the piece. I guess I would add a few more beads where there are the solitary ones, even just some small groups of seed beads. I think the beading for the fire and the water line is just right, though.

    Your quilting has gotten really good! And good for you for stepping outside your comfort zone.


  5. Oh I really love this piece Roberta! The colors you used are so beautiful together, it just makes you feel like staring at it for a long time. I envy your ability to pick just the right quilt pattern for each section. I for one would love to see more beads, but then I have turned into a bit of a bead-a-holic...hahaha


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