Saturday, September 01, 2007

Poppies of France

My Poppies of France is up... a little late. But, I did get an early start! [smile]I had a lot of fun with this one. I used four different fabrics for the background, cut them into large rectangles, mixed them up and sewed them back together. Then I took my rotary cutter and cut into wavy stips free hand. Next, I laid them out, wove them together on batting,overlaid with tulle and had fun with some free motion quilting. I used some copper netting [coarse] cut on the diagonal for a grid, added the silk flower poppies. I used velvet and a brad on the silk flowers. At that point I sent it in. Cynthia suggested more poppies..clumping... stems.... I did that and added leaves. The additional poppies are free hand cut from felt, as are the centers. again, brads [yellow] and I used Tsukineko ink for the black 'blush' around the centers. Bound it in black.
BTW it is straight on all sides, but since my move and no sewing room, I am using a door with some flannel and have yet to work out the irregularities. I am a 'straight-freak' and make it a must 'learn how to' do when I teach. Pictures sure are another matter.I will look forward to comments.


  1. I saw the first one you did and this is much improved. It really turned out to be beautiful.

  2. I like the addittion of the felt flowers. They add variety to the ones already there, and they aren't so evenly spaced anymore. The leaves and stems are good too. Makes them look like they are planted and growing there. They look like they belong there now. Before they had stems, they looked more like an afterthought.

    What if you used something a bit more subtle than the yellow brads. Perhaps several irridenscent black beads clustered in each flower. Just a thought.

  3. Hi Carole - I am fascinated with the background of this work. The colors you used and the wonky way it goes together would never have crossed my mind and they make an excellent place for these poppies to live. (I sound like Bob Ross!)

    I didn't see it before you added them but I can see that the flowers would have been free floating. The bits of leaves and stems ground the piece.


  4. Well, Carole...this is lovely! Your addition of additional varied flowers and stems/leaves really pulled it together. It's an imaginative piece and well constructed. The swirly quilting lines add even more movement to that delightful background. I do agree about the yellow brad in the center of each flower..they are too uniform and it would be more interesting to make some of them different. Maybe add another brad or two to several, add a few smaller beads around the center brad either in gold or darker; replace a few brads with larger beads and put them just a bit off center; add a few tiny dabs of light paint near the brad.

    It's a wonderful piece...congrats

  5. Thank you everyone for your helpful comments.

    I AM going to change the centers. I will use some of the suggestions.


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