Friday, September 28, 2007

Challenge 13

Challenge #13 (2nd Year Challenge # 1) - Friday, 28 September 2007

Guest Hostess – Roberta Ranney

Theme or Technique - Architecture

Create a quilt representing your house or another house or building that
made an impression on you. The house may be the house of your dreams (or
nightmares). Your quilt may be realistic or abstract.

Design Concept - Depth
Some of the ways to create depth in your work are (1) use of shadows, (2)
lines converging in the distance, (3) elements decreasing in size in the
distance or (4) use of color to bring some elements closer and others to

Discussion - The following is included for informational purposes only:

An essay on depth:

Examples of quilts with houses/architecture:

Due - Saturday, Noon EST, 6 October 2007 (but late postings are accepted)

One final requirement - HAVE FUN WITH THIS!

FYI: Your challenge piece could fit the call for entries for the 2009 Quilting Arts Magazine Calendar! The size must be 12” x 12" and the piece must have used some type of embellishment or surface design. Check out the details HERE!

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