Sunday, September 30, 2007

ren's window

ok, here it is. after detroit this morning, for which I left yesterday, I am now in kentucky and won't see my sewing machine for several weeks. this thing isn't yet quilted or embellished; I expect to have trees and fences going up the hills and a flower box below the window, maybe. I think my greens are too close in tone, but that could be remedied with stitching. anyway, it's now out there. I'm looking forward to critiques!


  1. Hi Ren,
    Good use of prints on the house, window and trees! The shading around the window adds some depth there..very effective. I think what you're planning for a flower box will add some needed color and brighten it up and the trees/fences on the hills some needed perspective. A bit of shading on the outside of the tree on the left could make it more distinct from the house and background.
    Good job! Be sure to post the finished piece. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. With the flower box and extras that you mention, it will be very effective. Please post when finished.

  3. Hi Ren - You are off to a great start and I like the ideas you have to add more color and detail. I really like the fabric you have used in the window panes - it adds a nice texture. I look forward to seeing more when you have time to work on it.


  4. Looking forward to seeing it with the extra details. More shading on the trees and the background might add additional depth. Had you considered lightening the farthest mountain so it looks further away? I like the lacey curtain - adds a nice touch.

  5. I too am looking forward to seeing how you will finish this piece. The only thing I will add is, I have trouble discerning whether the tree next to the house is in front or in back of the house?

  6. Love the lace in the window!


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