Thursday, October 04, 2007

Grant House

This is the house.

In my dreams..... this is a house in Portland, Ore. In Oct. 1977 [ this exact time of the year] my aunt and I visited Portland for some shopping. We arrived late Sunday afternoon, and decided to drive around and get a feel for the community. We drove past this house, I LOVED it, so stopped and took a picture. I have carried that picture around for 30yrs. When I saw the Challenge, my mind went immediately to that picture, here it is, with some added embellishments. I was trying real hard on depth, so I do look forward to your comments.

Size is 11.5 x 11.5


  1. Hi carole, this kind of reminds me of a Hobbit house :-) although I am not sure why...maybe the rounded front? I like it very much, love the quilting that adds more leaves and the use of the buttons...very nice!

  2. Hi Carole - what a charming house! You've done a lovely job building it. Your quilting adds a nice texture to the roof and sky. I think your shadows on the chimney and under the roof overhang add the depth you were looking for. Your background fabric also adds a feeling of depth. Super.


  3. Ditto what everyone else has said. Great job. You even got the spider web window off center like the picture. How did you do the shadows?
    Christine S

  4. Christine... I used thread and a fancy stitch I have on my machine. Then I used a chalk to even it out.

  5. I can see why you would never forget this house. What a beauty! You did a marvelous job recreating it...great job!

  6. Hi Carole,
    I think it's great that someone actually knew this house. Really great job on this piece and all the detailing.

  7. Hi Carole, Yes, this house looks very hobbit-like to me too. The trees and foliage in front of the house and the hint of foliage behind the house add alot of depth to the picture. A couple thoughts on how to add more depth: more value contrast the shadow under the eave of the roof (in the photo, that area has the most contrast between dark and light and complements the spider glass), a shadow under the window top ledge.

    Great job on capturing the magical essence of the house! I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  8. What a cute little house. I really like the different shape. I can just see little elves living there.


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