Thursday, October 04, 2007

Happy Childhood Summer Home

The first image that popped into my head was the tent that my family camped in when I was a small child. Such good memories and when we weren't travelling, our parents let us pitch the tent in the backyard and my brother and I spent a good deal of the summer there. Architecture? Well, it was our summer home anyway. :)

The quilt is about 9" x 10-1/2", hand appliqueed, hand embroidered, hand quilted - and some of the embroidery was added after layering so it works as quilting as well. Lately, I've been feeling confined by my usual tedious approach so I tried to be very loose and free with this and it was a lot of fun.

Also, I read the recommended essay on depth and realized I always work with a light foreground working back to a dark background. It just seems to happen. So, this time, I tried to do the opposite. Dark foreground fading into the background. Not sure if I succeeded but it was fun. I think that I may do some more small pieces in the same free spirit. It was very liberating.


  1. Cheryl, what fun you must have had!! Both as a child and doing this piece. The shading sure does help with depth, and you made it work. It looks like the sun up behind you and a new day to begin... fun, fun, fun.

  2. fun fun fun! love the colors and the childlike quality, and I can definitely tell which way the sun is coming from, great job!

  3. Hi Cheryl - what a jolly place! Your use of color tells me everyone is having fun. And it does a great job of providing depth to your work. I especially like that little piece where the opening to the tent is folded back. And the use of the three fabrics on the smallest tree.


  4. Cheryl, Great job! I love the idea of a tent as architecture and you have certainly created a sense of depth within the piece.
    Kathy L

  5. I love this piece! It's such fun and must have been just that as a child. My grandchildren just went "camping" in their backyard and they had a ball.

  6. What a neat idea to do a tent! My brain just doesnt go there...darn! I adore your little much personality!

  7. Cheryl,
    Great job capturing the youthful excitement of sleeping out in the yard in a tent. The kids remind me of the kids in the Clifford books. Love it!

  8. Hi Cheryl
    Good use of prints and mottled fabrics...adds lots of interest and variety. I also like the playfulness of the piece and how you brought part of the picture into the border. I think your experimentation with the values in the background worked fine. I guess just a bit more value contrast between the last tree and the sky might work better. One suggestion...the blue eyes of the blond girl don't show up well...maybe a little eyeliner? ;)

    I can tell you are a children's book really know how to capture the fun.

    Glad you're with us! I look forward to seeing more of your work.


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