Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Seattle Sunrise

Sometimes you don't really read the challenge - you go forth - then you re-read the challenge and realized depth - oh well.

Architectural? So not my thing - but I had just witnessed a beautiful red sunrise and thought this would be perfect for the challenge. So a very not realistic city scape but fun to do. More beading than I would usually do for this challenge - I have blisters on my finger from the pearl cotton ridges on Mount Rainer. Overall it captures the beauty of a red sunrise. I call this Seattle Sunrise - measuring 8 x 18.

In Rainy Seattle


  1. What an interesting way to use beads...I understand the sew weary fingers now.

  2. Hi Lisa - are ALL those windows beads? I kept looking at the closeup picture and couldn't see any beads so I decided that's how you managed all those windows. I think this work is charming - has somewhat of a futuristic look - city on the moon?

    Roberta Ranney

  3. I also would like to know more about your beading. This small picture doesn't quite show them. Very fun piece!

  4. Hi Lisa,
    Your wonderful trademark pieced background goes beautifully with this cityscape. This is a fun, expressive piece. I see you finished it without a binding...good looks more expansive without it. Another good piece...good job!

  5. Hi Lisa,
    I really like how you used the beads to create the windows, and the fun "Jetsons" quality of the city. Great job!


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