Thursday, October 04, 2007

Stairs down to my Nightmare

I printed one of my photos to fabric then used fabric paint and 5 different shades of grey thread to provide extra details and depth.
The black fabric surrounding the stairs is fabric which i had previously discharge dyed. Grey fabric paint was used to provide interest.
Holographic threads in silver, black and red were used to add some lines for interest.
The quilt measures 12" x 12" and was bound with red cotton net.
Whilst i enjoyed the process i am unsure about the final result.


  1. Felt like I was going down the stairs and was moving slowly because I was unsure of what I might find or who I might find at the bottom of the stairs. Would love to have more information as to how you used cotton netting to bind the edges.

  2. This is a very mysterious place, indeed. I can see a ghost bride going down those stairs to her wedding, as I think the stairs go down to the main hallway of this house instead of to the basement. I like it very much!


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