Tuesday, October 30, 2007


11 1/2 x 14
Thread painting
Watercolor crayons
Hand-dyed fabric
Commercial batiks
This work is of wind blowing through a willow tree, wheat and grasses. A lake appeared by accident when I was trying to make a horizon line. This piece is not in the vivid colors I usually work with because I had a disaster of a fabric dyeing day last week. The background fabric was supposed to be a rich yellow with some turquoise. Didn't happen so I decided to try the pale imitation on this piece. I had a wonderful time making this since I had no preconceived idea how it would turn out. I started with the wheat, then the tree and just kept on thread-painting until it seemed done. Thanks for looking at this work - as always, I appreciate your comments.


  1. Roberta it is wonderful. I like the movement on the lake, the whole piece shows a lot of movement.
    I find the colors very pleasing to the eye, great contrast between the trees, grass and water element.

  2. Robert,
    What a serene scene! I love the thread painted wheat that add so much of the movement shown in this quilt. The quilting really works well too. Nice Job! Joni

  3. The wind blowing the wheat is such a peaceful scene.

  4. Hi Roberta,
    This is really lovely. I really like the way the lake looks like it is shimmering in the light and the threadpainted grasses are fantastic. My one comment would be that the sharp points of the quilting lines on the sky seem in contrast to the serene mood of the rest of the piece, but I love the swirly quilting in the corner. Great job.

  5. Such a peaceful wind blowing such lovely pieces of nature. It looks like a cooling summer place to be.

  6. So gentle yet fierce!
    The wheat waving as dark clouds gather just back and beyond.
    Nice work of thread painting. I really am taken with that light piece in th center, like the last sun ray before a storm. The quilting lines really add to the movement.
    Just a thought, is the tree too thick near the top? Maybe some leaves would take away that heaviness and they could add to the sense of the wind?
    This is a lovely piece.

  7. Hi Roberta,
    This is a lovely piece...I love the soft color scheme (and want to see the vivid color version, too!!). The wheat and grasses effectively show movement and your thread work for embellishment is wonderfully done.
    I agree with Carole about the tree, but I think it's the combination of thickness at the top and stubby stiff branches. Would adding some brown branches in thread painting that follow the line of the green willow branches work?
    Also I agree with the comment Brenda had about the quilting...it is a bit sharp in places. I think there is still room to quilt some curvy echos or swirling shapes just above the horizon line to soften that.

    I think what I like most about this piece is the quality of light in the sky and lake...it's beautiful.

  8. Your tread work is wonderful. Is it done by hand or machine? I think it turned out well. I do think the bottom tree branch the rest work.

  9. Roberta,
    wonderful colours in this quilt, such a peaceful flowing movement and feeling in this quilt...great.


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