Sunday, November 04, 2007

Challenge #14

Cosmic Swirl
18" X 18"

Debbie Krueger

Waukesha, WI

Personally, this challenge was right up my alley--I've been wanting to play with movement for some time, and embellishment is second nature to me.

I used commercial fabric for the background and the pillowcase method of "binding" this piece. I used freezer paper to draw my swirl, pressed it to a piece of "unknown" fabric--something fun found in the remnant bin. Then I stitched the swirl down, cut around it, and used a zig zag stitch to secure it. I used fishing "flash" to add sparkle (another on of those things I've wanted to use for a long time) and couched the flash down with amethyst and bronze colored beads.

Here's a close up of the embellishment



  1. Debbie,
    I really like the way you let the swirl continue off the piece. It really adds interest.

  2. Hi Debbie, Wow, your construction, quilting and embellishment skills are very good! This piece is so interesting up close...and you certainly captured the movement aspect. The only suggestion I have is to add more interest to the composition for viewing from afar. The piece needs to entice the viewer in to look closer at all those wonderful embellishments and quilting lines. What would make it more interesting? Some ways I can think of are: repeating the motif, more value contrast, more variety, having a focal point.

    It's a good piece, as is, I'm just thinking how it could be even better (in my humble opinion!)

    Glad you've joined the group! I look forward to seeing more of your work.


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