Sunday, November 04, 2007


my entry for the motion challenge, as the storm approaches, this woman stands, looking out to sea, watching and waiting....I used a scrap of fabric from an old dress and a piece of black lace for her shawl, I still need to quilt and bind this one. Right now I am on a creating spree, when I get several done, I quilt and bind them all.


  1. Cathy,
    I can't wait to see this quilted. I really feel like I'm watching the storm too. Is the choppy water done by adding paint, etc?

  2. Hi Sue,
    I cheated and used commercial fabric for the water :-) As soon as I read the challenge I knew exactly what I wanted to make and had the fabrics already, so went with it!

  3. Hi Cathy, You captured the movement element well in the wind-blown air and skirt and the choppy water...good job! One comment: do you mainly have medium value fabrics in your stash? A bit more light and dark can make a picture more dramatic and eye-catching.

    I'm so glad you're here for the second year (hey, that rhymes!)


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