Monday, November 26, 2007

Mountain Roses

Size: 19.5" x 13.5"

I had been thinking of using this particular photo to make a quilt for some time. I thought it was a good one for this challenge because it had a somewhat exaggerated perspective, with large objects in the foreground. I tried to emphasize the perspective even more. I think the result is an extreme 3-D effect.

original photo

I further challenged myself not to draw things out or use patterns, but just to cut my fabric freehand and use collage techniques. I did use a rotary cutter for the fence posts but no measuring! The pieces were pinned to the batting and backing and I thread painted and quilted at once. This really speeded up the process for me.

All comments and critiques will be very welcome. Susan Brittingham


  1. Hi Susan - I like the way you tossed out the patterns and did free-form cutting. I think the spontaneity shows. The roses really draw the eye. And the proportion of the barn and the flowers makes for an interesting work.

    I particularly like the thread-painting on the trees in the background. The lack of detail moves them farther back but the thread adds a lot of depth.


  2. Hi Susan, he roses are really effective aginst the fence. The spontaneity in works like these make them very interesting. The barn is just far enough away to really take the eye to the roses.
    [I would have liked to be able to see a bigger picture of it, to really see the thread painted trees].
    Very soft, very pretty.

  3. Thanks so much Carole and Roberta for your comments! I am happy to hear that you think it worked out. This was a fun challenge.

  4. Susan,
    I think you picked a great photo for this challenge and did an exceptional job of translating it to fabric. I love the feeling of space and depth you have created. I wonder what would have happened if you had continued a couple of roses down to the edge of the quilt - as they are in the photo?? Anyway...great job!

  5. I like the way the roses seem to draw the eye along the fence...very clever.
    You've also got a good deal of scale in the piece, very nice

  6. Susan,
    you are very brave with the free form cutting. The fence is perfect.
    The challenge is well met and the trees are fabulous. I keep wanting to get a closer look.


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