Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Challenge 15 'She Dances Alone'

The inspiration for this piece comes from the women in South Africa who spend their lives providing for their families sans men. So many of them are looking after their children their grandchildren etc. The scene, the moon is shining down on the village and she dances alone. I hope I have achieved scale and proportion with the large size of the dancer and the smallness of the hut. I could have put in a larger moon, but I wanted the light from the moon shining on her as well as the huts.
I used silver thread to luminate the dancer and the huts.
Thanks for the great challenge.


  1. Rhoda, you always manage something so complex and yet right on the mark!! Your woman certainly stands out against the little huts and the moon. Nice work on 'moonglow' and the depth... albeit... the message portrayed. Very moving, I appreciate that you have shared in this challenge.

  2. Rhoda,
    a moving quilt. I love the figure of the woman; so expressive.

  3. Great depth achieved with the huts and the woman. She looks like she means business with her stance. Love it!

  4. Wow...your piece is charming...I really have to get out of my tight little creative challenge watch out. Your choice of fabrics was great.

  5. Yes her stance is really not that of a dancer :)
    Thanks for the great feedback.

  6. What a beautiful piece. The colors are vibrant. Although, it is true her stance seems more defiant than dancing, the woman and the huts seem to establish a rhythm across the surface to reinforce the dance idea. Her skirt shows movement, too. I love the way the moonlight illuminated the edges of the huts. This is a really strong and compelling piece.

  7. Wonderful composition, great use of scale and color! There seems to be a certain rythem or beat that is also suggested.

  8. Hi Rhoda - this is a "wow" piece. Your choice of colors and fabrics, use of thread embellishment and your subject matter are good, good, good.

    This piece really shows how the message is affected by scale. A small figure dancing in the background would not tell the same story as the large figure contrasted with the small huts. The way you have done it shows her importance both artistically and politically. Love it.



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