Thursday, November 29, 2007

Santa's Coming!

Santa detail

.Santa is appliquéd, I used velvet, felt , a smidge of satin for the boots, batting for his beard, and cotton fabrics.
The snow is painted using fabric paint, *sparkly silver* mixed with white, the sky is also hand painted, it is a bit bluer in person, with white and grey highlights for cloudiness , doesn't show too well. The tree trunks were done with Tsukinek inks, as were the shadows. I made the foliage with fabric paints and a stencil brush by pouncing and then drew additional branches with the inks.
The cabin was hand drawn on a pice of fabric and then detailed using pigma pens and fabric crayons, originally Santa was going to be much larger, but my daughter said he was WAY too big for the scene so I changed him. The smoke coming from the cabin's chimney is batting.
I'm not quite sure if this met the challenge or not, but I had fun making it and experimenting with different things ,of course I realized after that the sky should have been a night one, but oh well! Comments welcome...


  1. Yes, you've done a great job meeting the challenge. Santa seems just about the right size. I love your trees. Why do you need a night sky? Santa can go for an afternoon stroll. Or maybe he's just getting an early start. Great job.

  2. It evokes a very peaceful feeling to me, I think it's fine without the night sky.
    The only suggestion I might make is that Santa was a little bigger :)

  3. It is very peaceful and I, too, like the sky. Very nicely done, and to see someone using different techniques like you have adds to the benefit of a challenge.


  4. I like your quiet little Santa strolling across the snow. The shadows of the trees are quiet effective, and I like the snow falling... ah to have a white Christmas. Very good sense of scale too!

  5. Your Santa is lovely - he looks like he's enjoying his stroll. Adding the shadow and presents will really complete the piece.
    Kathy Angel Lee

  6. Hi Cathy - Your Santa is beautifully constructed. And I really like the background. The shadows of the trees add a really nice touch. You've done a great job capturing the feeling of a quiet snowy afternoon.



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