Friday, November 23, 2007

Challenge 15

Challenge 15 - Friday, 23 November 2007

Guest Hostess - Ann Turley

Theme or Technique - Work from one of the two supplied photographs. Both are copyright-free and from my own collection. Interpret one or both of the supplied photographs in your chosen style, or you may select any other photo with a similar layout.

Design Concept - Scale and Proportion

A sometimes-misunderstood principle of design, scale and proportion are nonetheless important concepts that help in the creation of believable works of art. Scale is the size of a given element in relation to the overall piece. Proportion refers to the relationship between each individual element in the overall piece. Both are interconnected in overall visual appeal and are what makes your art quilt visually exciting.To maximize the relationship between design elements, proportion and scale are typically used. Scale controls object size while proportion manages size ratio. Both make sure everything is well balanced and ensure a smooth and eye-catching design.

Due - Saturday, Noon EST, 1 December 2007

One final requirement - HAVE FUN WITH THIS!

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