Saturday, November 24, 2007

Grass is Greenest in Winter

Here is my piece - Grass is Greenest in Winter. In Seattle the grass is greenest in winter - all that rain and mild temperatures makes the grass greenest in the winter. I took the photo with the cactus - I must confess since I don't live in the Southwest - I don't own the landscape so I don't relate to cactus and deserts. I decided to take the proportions of the cactus and put it in a piece with a more northwest background. I found my photo which was taken on December 26 a few years ago and worked with those backgrounds - Puget Sound and the Olympic mountains - I couched the background trees with black yarn - and then couched the foreground tree with gray yarn. The final measurement is about 10x13. I kept two sides wavy and straighted the other two -to add some additional interest.

In Sunny and Cold Seattle


  1. What a great use of the supplied picture as a jumping-off point. The foreground tree evokes a wintry feeling in both texture and color, while the background trees help pull your eyes completely through the piece. I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. Hi Lisa - I like the way you put the two pictures together. I particularly like the pieced foreground with the different greens and the dark trees in the mid-ground. You were really successful in achieving depth through scale.


  3. Nice interpretation Lisa. Fun to see that you took the intent of the original pictures, gathered something of your own and went with it. Good job

  4. Great representation of scale and proportion, the colors are very soothing.

  5. How brave to be the first to produce such a wonderful piece so promptly.
    Wonderful interpretation; you took the photo and truly made it yours.


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