Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Just posted my attempt at scale/proportion. In my estimation, it's not
very successful. I decided to work in black/gray/white. I sketched out
the building and tried to eliminate a lot of the detail and stick to
just the shapes. Using a photocopy of the picture, I looked at the
grayscale and cut shapes without using any patterns. The best part is
the lower left corner where you can see some distance through the
curved openings. The rest leaves a lot to be desired.
I learned:
- abstracting from a photo is difficult - I tend to want to put in
more detail
- although I had an idea of what I wanted to do and had thought about
it during the week, I really didn't have enough time to execute it.
But then I'm not sure if I'd had more time, it would have looked any
- this exercise was probably not the best one to do in a monochromatic
color scheme.
- don't attempt this when you're tired!

Kathy Angel Lee


  1. The point is well made in your piece. I like the simple, clean look of this and think, tired or not.... you did a good job.

  2. Kathy,
    I for one like the monochromatic effect. The arches you have made are very effective.

  3. HI Kathy - Even though you were tired you made it work. I like the monochromatic approach. Although you wanted more detail I think the starkness of the piece is what makes it most effective.



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