Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This is a doodle that has been floating around in my brain for a couple of weeks. It has be coming out in my sketchbook, on napkins, and on the back of envelopes and just about anywhere I am hanging around with a pencil or pen in my hand. I thought it might be an example of scale since the basic shape varies in size as it moves along. I sketched this first onto the background fabric, spent a good bit of time adding pastel shading to the "cells" and then added a shiney net-like fabric over the whole design before outlining all my lines with thread. I like the effect of the overlay, but it totally irradicated my shading. I cut away some of the net fabric and exposed the background as the rainbow effect of the net fabric over the whole piece was overwhelming. I enjoyed working on this, totally immersing myself in the project since I had such a short time to get it done. This will probably be just the start of my "chroma-zone" series since I really enjoy drawing these shapes. Any comments would be appreciated.


  1. Very interesting Joni.
    I love the doodles, I did that to hair on a piece I might have done had I been home. A close-up of your piece is really pretty and I think a series would yield some interesting shapes and combinations thereof. I hope if you do that, you will keep us informed so we can ooh and aah. Scale and porportion together with the coloring is very effective.

  2. Joni,
    Great colours in this piece.
    Looking forward to seeing others that you do,

  3. Love the colors and motion. Maybe having one of the loops come in from the top of the piece cut off would yield just a bit more depth to your great piece.

  4. This makes me wish I was much more of a doodler. This is very cool. I love the way the size of the "cells" varies to show depth.

  5. Thank you ladies for your comments. I like the suggestion of starting a loop from the top, with part of it hidden. Now where is that sketch pad and my pencil?

  6. Hi Joni - you are definitely on a roll toward a series with this work. I like the way it weaves in and out on itself - confuses the eye and makes the eye keep moving looking for a solution to the puzzle. Cool.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Joni - the deleted post was because my post was posted twice. Sorry.



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