Friday, November 02, 2007

Swirls by Lisa Konkel

This is the first challenge I've completed for this group. My challenge 13 quilt isn't finished yet.

When I read the rules, I kept thinking of swirling lines. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so I sat down and did a series of sketches. I came up with two I really liked, and started with this one of swirling ribbons. (I'd still like to do the other one too, when I have a bit more time.)

I used sheer fabric and red lame, fusing them down to form the ribbons. This is the only embellishment I have. I have thought about adding beads to form additional ribbons. The ribbons are satin stitched to the quilt front, then the quilt was layered and quilted along the lines of the ribbons. I quilted to the edges of the fabric and then went back to add the borders, which is why those aren't quilted. I like the difference in texture of adding the borders after quilting--it looks more like a frame.

This is really a departure from other things I've made. I'm not sure if I really like it or not, but it was the quilt that was needing to be made for this challenge. I really enjoyed the challenge, especially the idea of trying sketches and then picking one to make.


  1. Lisa, you did a very good job on this.
    The ribbons defintely flow and give movement. Adding beads would enhance that ovement. If you put tehm on please repost.
    For a first on this challenge, well done!.

  2. Hi Lisa...
    I love the way your ribbons seem to "dance" across the quilt! The sheer overlay is also very effective. Have you considered a decorative stitch along the edges of one of the ribbons? It really isn't necessary though...It's lovely as is . Good job!

  3. Lisa, this piece gives the illusion of the ribbons floating on the background. Nice to see something that not's wind :)

  4. Hi Lisa, this piece looks like rhymthmic gymnastics where they use flowing ribbons. It's very effective for the movement and I love the shiny and sheer fabrics you used. I had one thought...what if you didn't have any borders around it...would it look more expansive?

    Congrats on a successful piece! I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  5. Lisa,
    Your ribbons definitely show great movement. The only thing that might add more depth, would be to shade the parts of the ribbons near the twists to show some shadowing, and also add a bit of shading to the parts of the ribbons that have twisted to show the back of the ribbon. The quilting is very effective. I'd like to see what your second one turns out like.
    Sue A


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