Friday, November 02, 2007

Flight of the Dragonfly

The finished measurement is 13x17. I named if Flight of the Dragonfly - it reminded me of the Flight of the Bumblebee. The background is pieced with various scraps of fabric. The leaves and cattails are appliquéd down with the quilting. The cattail stems are couched yarn. The cattails have a little bit of stuffing to represent going to seed. The flight is beaded dancing in and out of the cattails. Finally a little blue beaded dragonfly to finish it off. As always I did have fun.

In Sunny Seattle


  1. The eye is really drawn around the piece. I find mine stops on the dragofly after following the patch. In my opinion the cat tails are static, but you have really caught the movmemnt of the dragonfly.

  2. Nice Lisa, and I found your techniques interesting. the beaded line really moves around, your eye cannot resist the flight path and land on the dragonfly.
    Nicely done!

  3. Hi Lisa, I love the background colors and piecing of this quilt...there's some movement there along with the path of the dragonfly. I'd like to see less ridgity in the cattails and leaves..a bit of quirky bend in the lines or shapes would add more "edginess", less perfection to the scene and increase the interest in that part of the picture. Just my opinion of course! You may have been looking for perfection!
    I always look forward to seeing your work...I think you are a master at backgrounds!

  4. Dragonflies are a favorite of mine and this piece really shows oen darting all over the place as they do. Great effects through the use of the beads and background fabrics.

    Jan J.

  5. Lia,
    This is such a fun piece. The dragonfly definitely appears to be dancing among the cattails. The beading worked well for it's trail.
    Sue A


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