Saturday, November 03, 2007

Through Hail and Ice

I tried to achieve movement through silence.

I drew a duck in flight then fused it in segments to a background which i painted with some metallic paint. I appliqued around the duck with satin stitch.

Free motion quilting with silver holographic thread was used as an embellishment.

Metallic paint for the feet and beak; with shading with fabric crayons to achieve greater definition of the duck and the movement of the wings.

I don't know whether i succeeded with the theme of movement.

I will appreciate any comments.



  1. Anna, the duck is so real! I can see movement, the quilting really adds to the movement and the wings of the duck do too. Beautiful.

  2. Luv.v.v.v the quilted background, so clever!
    And the duck is so real. Definitely acheived movement her!

  3. Hi Anna, The background is full of texture and looks like air streams moving slowly but strongly. I see the movement in the duck too. Very good job!

    Just a couple thoughts I had:
    I had trouble distinguishing the front wing from the back wing...would it look different with more difference in color and/or value contrast?
    The duck is centered fairly evenly on all sides...what would if look like if it were slightly more off center (to see what I mean, you could crop it in photoshop or fold back the actual piece...half of the background to the left of and below the bird. I think it makes the picture more dynamic.

    It's a really good piece and I love the texture of it.

  4. Wow! The Mallard duck is magnificent! His wings show the powerful lift that he's achieving from the flow of the air above and beneath him. Great Job!
    Jan J.

  5. Thank you for your comments Rhoda, Carole, Jan and for your suggestions Cynthia.
    This piece almost ended up in the bin several times and i decided to use it for practising free motion quilting. it was only when the quilting had progressed that i decided to keep on at it.

  6. Anna,
    I'm glad you didn't scrap this piece. The duck definitely shows movement. I can almost feel how the duck must feel while gliding in the air.
    Sue A

  7. I love your duck and the machine quilting is great.

  8. Hi Anna,
    This is really lovely; great job!


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