Sunday, December 09, 2007

Christine's Evening in Sherwood Forest

Finally I have my challenge done. It was done a few days ago but my scanner was on the blink. Somehow it fixed itself. This challenge really had me perplexed; I started 2 others before deciding to go with this one. I have to admit that this was an older JQ that I never finished. I couldn't figure out how to do the leaves so it has sat in a file since the summer. I got the idea after watching the "New Adventures of Robin Hood" on BBC America, I wanted to show the magic of Sherwood forest. I don't know if I got the challenge right but I am pleased with the overall result.
I am looking forward to your comments.


  1. Hi Christine, I really like the ground on this piece, it looks like rolling hilly ground and has good perspective. The value changes and varying quilting lines are very effective in achieving that. I noticed the proportion/scale of the trees compared to the leaves and treetops is unexpected...that's a nice surprise that takes the piece from realistic to magical. I'd say you aced the challenge..congrats on a good piece!

  2. Christine,

    I really like your piece. The tree trunks look so realistic, whereas the leaves look magical. A very nice contrast! There is a definite sense of depth. Well done.

    Valerie F.

  3. Christine, this is very pretty, I, too, love the leaves.... and the ground. Your quilting really helps the 'mood' and those leaves, well... I have learned something, because that is not always the easiest part of a tree!!
    Good work!

  4. Hi Christine - Love the treetops! They take the piece from pretty to interesting - which is not always easy to do in my experience. The quilting adds a good dimension and movement. Nice work.



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