Sunday, December 02, 2007

Lake Onalaska by Lisa Konkel

I didn't even get started on this one. I've been too busy trying to get Christmas gifts done. I have thought about it, though, and I immediately thought about a postcard I made last summer.
The card is done in watercolor crayons and pencils, with hand-sewn details. The tree leaves are black tulle fused with misty-fuse and caught with more hand stitching. It is bound with a sheer black ribbon.
I will still try to do this challenge properly, when I'm a bit more caught up with life.


  1. Hi Lisa, I especially like the soft coloring on your postcard. It reminds me of japanese woodcut prints...good lines.

  2. Thanks, Cynthia. This was one of a series trying out this method and I also really liked the soft coloring. My goal is to try some larger pieces sometime.


  3. Hi Lisa - This work fits the challenge really well. And it is a lovely picture. I particularly like the hand-stitching in the leaves. The monochromatic color scheme gives the piece such a peaful feeling. Really nice.


  4. Lisa, thank you for sharing this, even if it wasn't especially for this Challenge. I like it alot, very soft and almost ethereal...


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