Monday, December 31, 2007

Icy Fire or Fiery Ice

16" diameter

Since I could not decide on either Fire or Ice, I combined them in a Yin/Yang mandala. The fire side is a gold satin, and the ice a metallic silver weave. I used Angelina fiber, cutting the pieces in curves for fire, angular for ice, and quilted the piece in a spiral. I added beads in the "tail" on each side, seed beads in warm colors for fire, silver bugle beads for ice, partly to help anchor the Angelina where the quilting left loose edges.

The binding is a flat black to make the whole design pop, a little over an inch wide, pulled over the edge of a circle of foam core.


  1. Liked how you used both concepts in one piece.

  2. what a good way to depict the fire and ice together. I really like the crusty metallic effects in the fire. It balances really well with the shiny icey bits on the other side. I don't think you could have achieved such a good balance without them. Is it metallic paint on the satin?

    Sandy in the UK

  3. Hi Tobi - Love the combination of themes and love how well it turned out. Your use of angelina fibers adds a nice dimension. And the spiral quilting pulls it all together so well. Nice work.


  4. Your idea worked well. The angelina fibers really make the ice colder and fire hotter.

  5. Hi Tobi,
    I really like this piece with it's contrasts in temperature, texture and coloration. Good idea and well executed! The only distraction to me is the somewhat wavy edge of the circle...if it had a crisp edge..WOW. Maybe your plan to pull the binding over the edge of foam core will fix that?


  6. Like the yin and the yang aspect of this..........
    Your pieces are always so interesting, makes one think and look a little deeper.

  7. Hi Tobi,
    I really like the metallic look of the piece and the spiral quilting. The whole thing is only an inch wide? WOW!


  8. Funny - this was my first idea of the quilt I would do - the metallic quality of the fabric is perfect.

    So do share how you put the quilt on foam core I'm not sure how that works.


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