Saturday, December 29, 2007

Icy in Nebraska

Fire and Ice is an interesting challenge and as much as I wanted to do something with fire it's hard to think along the heat line right now in Nebraska. I wish you could all look out my window to see the lovely white snow and gorgeous trees covered with frost from all the fog we've had. It's COLD, too, so ice was easy to come up with something. I decided to make a small postcard size quilt this round so that I can put it away and use it for a Christmas card next year. It simply shows the white and blue of all the snow with ice cicles hanging from the roof eaves.

Jan Johnson


  1. I can sure relate to ice cicles. I lived most of my life in New England.

  2. Jan,
    I don't think I've seen many icicles lately down here in SC where the weather doesn't really know it's supposed to be winter. Very nice and chilly PC.

  3. You've captured the sense of frozen drizzle apparent when one sees icicle. The colors of the fabric have a chill factor too and were good picks!

  4. Jan, this looks just like our eaves last week when there was frost on the icicles. It looks very cold, for sure!

  5. great idea! I like the fact that you have some smaller transparent icicles.

    I wonder what would happen if you used a bit of sparkle on them in some way?...perhaps sparkle thread or a little bit of sparkly glue or paint. I think this would suggest the light reflecting from them. that's one of the things I recall about icicles from when I was young.

    Sandy in the UK

  6. Hi Jan - After living through a major ice storm in Missouri lat January I had no trouble in identifying the icicles hanging from the eaves. I particularly like your quilting in the white area to suggest snow and more ice.

    You've managed to communicate the theme with only two colors and minimal quilting. Sometimes less IS more!


  7. Thanks for the idea of the sparkly overlay. I do have some angelina and I'll see if I can get some of that fused on top.

  8. This is a great piece, the icicles look like they are 'dripping' from the suns my view you've capture both.

  9. Hi Jan, it looks just like the view out my door right now in Colorado. Great job on capturing the challenge idea. Very well constructed, too...I especially like the "organic" quilting lines. Someone will be lucky to get this postcard!

  10. Well done! Icicles...... really when you think about it, what says 'ice' in a more concise may.

  11. Hi Jan,
    I really like your postcard; the two-color simplicity really is appealing and I really like the "knobby" shapes of the icicles. Nice job.


  12. Hi Jan!
    I just love your PC. I love making PC's too. Nice job on only using 2 colors to nail this challenge.


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