Wednesday, January 02, 2008

ren's 32 degrees Fahrenheit

When the challenge came out, the wind was blowing, a few rays of sun shone, and icicles were forming. It was 32 degrees Fahrenheit. And so this piece emerged.

I pulled out the couching foot again to attached the long strands of beads. What you can't see here is that the bottom portions of the beaded lines are loose, dangling, dropping their icicle droplets into the pools they make.


  1. I really like the way you have done this, Ren! It is one of those pieces that would catch your eye and draw you over to have a closer look.

    I think your decision for the layout...tall and very effective. Much better than if it were limited to journal size, or even if it were horizontal.

    and I especially like the water drop effect. It must mkae it a very tactile piece as well. good job!

    Sandy in the UK

  2. Sandy,
    thank you for your comments on this. yes, this piece is tactile. I like touching it and playing with the droplets. I like, too, that the fringe does not hang below the edge of the fabric.

  3. Ren,
    this is a quilt that i would like to see in person....i think that the camera does not do it justice.
    Very effective use of beads. I like this immensely

  4. Great job, Ren. I love the linear qualities of this piece. Reminds me of the icicles on my roof right now...

    The beading and metallics add a lot! Good job!

  5. Very nice. The beads really add to the drama of the piece.

  6. Hi Ren, This is a great take on the challenge and I like your abstract view of things (like loooong drippy icicles).

  7. Goodness, that beadwork is effective!!
    Long, icy, drippy icicles... yes, its
    still cold out there!!

  8. Hi Ren,
    This is really unusual and dramatic. Great job.


  9. Hi Ren- I really like what you've done with this challenge. I would love to see it (and touch it) in person. I particularly like the way you added the sun rays. Adding that diagonal element gives the piece more movement and interest.


  10. Looks just like the icicles that were dangling outside my dining room window a couple of weeks ago. Nice touch with the beads. As a monochromatic piece, it works very well.
    Kathy Angel Lee

  11. I love the beading on this piece. So you strung the beads then couched it - I really want to see this up close - from what I see you have a few random colors in the bead work that is just stunning.

  12. Thank you for your comments, LAQuilts.
    Yes, I made a bead soup of white, clear, grey/blue beads and then had a few yellow and turquoise blue beads to intersperse periodically in each string. I tried to match the yellowish ones to the diagonal sun rays, but the couching pulls the thread taut so it's not always possible to place each color where I really wanted it to be :)

    yeah, I like touching it and would love to send it around the country so that everyone else could fondle it, too. LOL!

    I'm glad that you enjoyed this.


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