Wednesday, January 02, 2008

ren's fire

I am working on a series called "Love Torn:" with different subtitles after the colon. This unfinished piece fits well, I think, into the Fire part of this challenge. Its subtitle is Anger, which I associate with fire. When I was working on the ice piece, this was hanging on my design wall, waiting for finishing threads. I kept looking at it as the contrast that it is to the ice and thought that I would post it, too. I hope to finish it soon, although it is quite an emotional piece for me, so we'll see....


  1. Interesting idea. your connection of anger with fire is a good one. I like the "smoldering" effect of the bottom part of the piece!

    Sandy in the UK

  2. Thanks for your comments. I really like the fabrics in this piece. Now to do the quilting/thread work. It might look very different when I'm done.

    Fire=Anger has always been true for me. Also Red=Passion. Just some connections I've always made.

    Ren/Crazy Atom

  3. Ren, I can relate the emotion of anger to fire and can almost feel the emotions in your piece. My brother wrote a song "Love Turns To Ice", that is what this piece reminds me of.

  4. Hi Ren, this is wonderful....are you going to add lots of texture with the quilting? will look great with the fabric and shapes you have here. Be sure to post a final photo, too

  5. Cynthia,
    Thanks for your support. I do plan on lots of quilted texture, though I'm still decided on how to do it. Part of me wants to cover the entire thing with vertical red-family threads, closely spaced. Another part of me wants to follow the contours, but then gets confused as to which contours to follow. The last part of me is waiting for more inspiration LOL! Any suggestions would be welcome!

  6. Ren,
    This wonderful piece evokes such stong's almost painful, yet it is so compelling. I look forward to seeing what you do with the quilting.

  7. Hi Ren, I think some "organic" quilting lines would be great, sort of like what Linda Cline does on some of her pieces.

  8. Hi Ren....... this is a very poignant piece.
    I can feel the pain in this piece, is it because of the sharp point? Or the red and purple? which is so representative of anger and hurt?
    I sure am hoping you will post the finished piece and let us know WHEN IT IS UP.
    I think I would use something... I guess organic is the word... flames maybe in the hot colors, and maybe blocks in the cooler colors.. I am thinking in the hard finality....[thinking out loud here]
    I like it alot.

  9. Hi Ren,
    Another very dramatic piece. I see maybe a juxtaposition of "angry" quilting lines (pointed, sharp edges) with organic, softer quilting lines in the background.

    Now I'll have "It's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate" stuck in my head for a while. Good luck with this series.


  10. Hi Ren - Some more quilting thoughts: The sharp points and the red fabric communicate anger very well. I think I would probably want to continue that theme at least in the red section with sharp pointy quilting - sort of jagged edges. The gray section has a cloud like texture to me which you could emphasize with softer-edged quilting.

    I think this work is very effective and I'm glad you shared it. I appreciate the depth of emotion you have communicated so well.

    I hope to see the completed piece posted one of these days.



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