Friday, May 30, 2008

Challenge #21 Rhoda Forbes

Wheww, just under the wire. I've finished my challenge piece and must say this was so much fun! I used a small wallhanging that i wasn't at all pleased with and started slashing it. I then added some funky flowers in the right hand corner and a bit of writing 'Be still and feel the moment'. And isn't that what we all need to do these days, especially up north where our summer is so short.
Anyway, I must say I will bge deconstructing a few other pieces that are hanging around. I didn't put a lot of thought into this piece, just started cutting it up.
When it was done I thought of the business that interfers with my quiet time enjoying the flowers. Thank you Linda for the great challenge.
I look forward to critique from my peers.


  1. Much more interesting and you are right. We do need to be still and feel the moment from time to time.

  2. Hi Rhonda, I like what you've done here...looks deep with layers, like an overgrown tangled garden. Great colors and some fun details in the flowers.
    Good job!

  3. So glad you were able to get a piece in for this challenge. I always look forward to what you will do.... and you have done it again!! Very interesting... when you add some stitches... will you break up the blue somewhat?
    I hope you will do a repost when you have it stitched and quilted. I like this a lot.

  4. Your second version makes me think of a garden gone wild glimpsed through discarded latice strips. Or perhaps a garden seen through a faceted glass. Your funky flowers add their own delightful character to the piece. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow! I really like the second version. It's so much more vibrant and alive than your original. The first was static. Great job!


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