Friday, May 30, 2008

Apple Peels

I started with a sweet little one-patch quilt top, slashed it and inserted green, red, and orange strips, then cut it in fourths, swapped out the northwest and southeast quarters, and then sewed it back together. Then I fused on some red spirals left over from the spiral rose quilt I'm working on (Ann Fahl's pattern) and called them apple peels, because of that one light square in the whole quilt. Machine quilted the background, and used red rayon thread in a zig-zag stitch on the spirals - oops, apple peels.
It sure looks different!

It was a challenging challenge!

The finished quilt measures about 15" x 19".

Critiques are most welcome.


  1. Apple Peels is just great.
    The splashes of bright green really move the eye around the piece.
    Such fun!

  2. Hi Katie, I really like the fresh colors you added to your basically neutral piece. And adding the spirals on top created some more excitement and depth. One comment...I seem to have symmetry on the brain, but that's what I see here too. The background patchwork is perfectly centered. What if it joined the party and lost 3/4ths of it's right border and half of it's top border? When I cropped it in Photoshop like that, it looked more integregated between the sedate background and the wildness in front. Are you brave with the rotary cutter?

  3. Hi Katie....I love those swirls,
    it adds a lot to this piece. I have been thinking of swirls for mine, but still in 'thought' mode....
    Nicely done.

  4. The background hasn't changed much. But your additions add a lot of excitement that wasn't in the first. Great job.

  5. This is very successful - I think your background looks the same but the color added works wonders for this quilt good job

  6. So much better than the original. Even if you wouldn't have slashed it to add the inserts and instead appliqued on top it would have been just as dynamic.


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