Tuesday, May 27, 2008

From traditional to pictorial

This original piece was constructed some years ago. It was actually always meant to be part of a pictorial quilt - it was supposed to be a "quilt within a quilt". It is a little hard to explain but the reality was that once finished I realized the scale was too small for what I was trying to do so I started over. I had put so much time into creating this little miniature that I couldn't throw it out even though, knowing it was to be part of a bigger picture, I had not put the attention to detail in it that would allow it to stand on its own. So it languished in the pile of "almost made it" quilts in the sewing room for the last 7 years or so. Then along came Linda with her deconstruction challenge and I decided it was finally time to do something with it. The lupins are blooming in the West right now and the colors were perfect so I chopped up the original and added some flowers. I am pleased with the results and happy that I now have a finished piece instead of an "also ran"! Let me know what you think!


  1. Fabulous! I can't think of anything else to say.

  2. very, very nice! love the lupines!

  3. Lupines are the perfect compliment to this quilt.

  4. Kathy,
    very pretty, nice transformation from traditional quilting to art!

  5. Wow, what a great piece you've made from a traditional quilt. It really speaks volumes, and the Lupins are perfect.
    I like your choice of background for the Lupins. Very nice.

  6. Hi Kathy, This is gorgeous! I love the traditional pattern in the background and the colors and shapes of the mid ground & foreground. Good contrast and depth with one small exception: The lightest blues stalk of flowers looks a bit flat. I think thats because the fabric doesn't have the variegation the other fabrics do. Adding a little shading with markers, paint or thread would solve that.
    Flowing quilting lines really enhance the piece, too.
    Great job!

  7. From my traditional beginnings... your original piece I liked, but wow!! with what you have done with it.
    I am glad you did not just put a rectangle of background to applique on. The irregular shape, the colors, fantastic quilting all give this traditional original a real bit if pizzaz. I hope you enter this is a show or two.
    Well done!!

  8. Great job! So did you just keep the quilt the same and add the lupines over it. Fantastic.


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