Tuesday, May 27, 2008

ren's deconstruction

This is the ugly crazy block that I had lying around.

This is what I ended up with, after adding some horrible-to-work with satin-like stuff and one piece of delightful-to-work with pink silk.

I don't know...what do you think?


  1. You tamed the crazy. I rather like this, noticing the regularity of the gray squares in the reconstruction. I suspect, however, that it is kind of opposite of what would be expected from this challenge. I'm grinning, here!

  2. That gray satin does look hard to work with. The one pink square makes keeps it interesting. Good job.

  3. You certainly tamed the crazy quilt square :)

  4. Hi Ren, You certainly made it challenging by working with difficult fabrics. The colorful patches liven up the gray patches...but otherwise I wish there was a bit more interest in the piece. Less of a grid or more vary in the sizes of the patches...not sure what I would do. I might quilt it tightly slice it up into irregular puzzle pieces and reassemble on a colorful background. Would that make it a crazy block again? ;)


  5. Wow that was one ugly crazy block. I think what you did was a drastic improvement. Keeping in line with the crazy quilt you might want to consider adding some colorful embroidery.


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