Saturday, May 24, 2008


I had to create a new top as I had no UFO's to work from. When I finished assembling it I really liked it and had a very hard time making myself cut it apart, but I love the way it turned out. I think it really made the design. The "planets" are all sheers, raw edge fused. I just went for it with the rotary and cut whatever felt right and then stitched the pieces to the black background and around the circles to quilt it.

This was really fun. I just may try deconstructing again (and not be such a wimp about it...LOL).

Thanks for a great challenge Linda!

Comments welcomed :-) Cherie


  1. Yes, I would have had a hard time cutting up the original piece, too. I think maybe more radical straight line cuts would have produced more of a statement than just wavy lines and sliding them apart. Then sliding them more either to create a jacguard pattern or then cutting up and repositioning even more. I do know that it's easier for me to say all this than for you to actually 'do' the cutting.

  2. Your original is beautiful and somewhat subtle. The addition of the black grid gives it more visual contrast from a distance and some structure. It now has the feeling of looking through a window. I like the curved border.

  3. Both the before and after are beautiful but if I had to make a choice I do like the after better.

  4. I too would have had a difficult time cutting the original. I agree with Linda, in that the black grid gives way more visual contrast and draws your eyes into the piece. Good job.

  5. Hi Cheri, That is some beautiful fabric...did you dye it yourself? I like your idea, but it seems a little safe with the curved lines and outside shape. I think having some angles to contrast with the curves would bring more drama to it. Separating the pieces like Jan suggested would do that too. Another idea could have been to cut along some of the organic lines in the background fabric.
    With that said...what I do love about the piece is the color and transparency effect and depth. The overlapping, varying sizes of the circles and the placement of the circles give it wonderful depth.
    Great job!

  6. Thanks to all of you for your nice comments! Yes Cynthia, I did dye the fabric. I know what you mean about it being 'safe', but I am really loathe to to spoil the continuity of the sheer circles overlapping. I guess that's the problem with first 'creating' a my case I usually only work on things I really like...with the outcome to be chopped up and forever changed. I think it would be somehow much easier to take an existing piece you don't really like and go for it, know what I mean:-)?

    I will certainly consider adding 'angles'!



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